Resultado da pesquisa (5)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Coneglian M.M.

#1 - Effect of flunixin or ketoprofen in caudectomy by elastration in lambs: pain and neutrophil function

Abstract in English:

Painful procedures can affect the function of innate immune cells, such as neutrophils and macrophages, increasing the risk of infectious diseases. The present work aimed to verify if the analgesics flunixin meglumine or ketoprofen can attenuate the pain/discomfort of newborn lambs submitted by elastration tail docking and thereby avoid the impairment of blood granulocytes function. Twenty-one neonate lambs were divided into three treatments: the control group (n=7), not subjected to caudectomy; the flunixin group (n=7), subjected to caudectomy under local anesthesia and analgesia with two doses of flunixin meglumine; and the ketoprofen group (n=7), subjected to caudectomy under local anesthesia and two doses of ketoprofen. Pain indicators were observed by pain posture score (PS), the number of vocalizations (V), frequency of the movement of the ears (EF), and respiratory rates (RR), observed by a 10 minutes videos for each time points: -15min, 6h, 48h, and 144h. At the same time points, the reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and phagocytosis of blood granulocytes were measured by flow cytometry. At 6h after caudectomy, there was a pain indicator increase (RR, V, and PS), a blood granulocyte percentage increase, and a granulocytes phagocytosis reduction for both groups. At 48h, the ketoprofen group spend more time in pain posture and, at 144h, they exhibited a ROS production granulocyte reduction without signs of pain. We conclude the flunixin meglumine and ketoprofen did not prevent the acute pain/discomfort caused by caudectomy, because the groups showed a pain behavior and impaired of the innate immune response however, the flunixin meglumine was effective in controlling the chronic pain and their effects on blood granulocytes function in compare ketoprofen.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Procedimentos dolorosos podem afetar a função das células imunes inatas como neutrófilos e macrófagos, aumentando o risco de ocorrer doenças infeciosas. Desta maneira, o presente trabalho pretendeu verificar se os analgésicos flunixin meglumine ou cetoprofeno conseguem atenuar a dor/desconforto de cordeiros neonatos submetidos a caudectomia por elastração, evitando assim o comprometimento da função dos granulócitos sanguíneos. Para tanto 21 cordeiras foram aleatoriamente divididas em três tratamentos: grupo controle (n=7) não submetido a caudectomia, grupo flunixin (n=7) submetido a caudectomia precedida por anestesia local e duas doses de flunixin meglumine, e cetoprofeno (n=7) submetido a caudectomia precedida por anestesia local e duas doses de cetoprofeno. Mensurou-se os indicadores de dor/desconforto após caudectomia por observações de escore de postura de dor (EP), número de vocalizações (V), frequência de movimentar as orelhas (FO) e frequência respiratória (FR), observados em vídeos de 10 minutos nos momentos -15 min e 6, 48 e 144h. Nos mesmos momentos, avaliou-se a as funções de produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO) e de fagocitose por granulócitos sanguineos em citometria de fluxo. Notou-se aumento dos indicadores de dor (FR, de V e de EP), da porcentagem dos granulócitos sanguíneos e redução da eficiência de fagocitose em ambos os grupos as 6h. As 48h, os animais do grupo cetoprofeno ainda apresentava mais tempo em postura de dor que os demais grupos e as 144h, apresentou redução da produção ERO por granulócitos. Tais achados permitem concluir que tanto o flunexin meglumine como o cetoprofeno não preveniram dor/desconforto agudo promovido pela elastração, pois os dois grupos manifestaram comportamento de dor e redução da resposta imune inata. Ainda, o analgésico flunixin meglumine foi efetivo em controlar a dor mais tardia e seus efeitos na função de granulócitos sanguíneos em comparação ao cetoprofeno.

#2 - Pain identification after orchiectomy in young bulls: development of the visual analogue scale compared with physiological parameters, behavioral patterns and facial expression

Abstract in English:

The identification of pain in cattle and your relief, are essential for animal welfare, however there is still no ideal test for this evaluation. Some researchers have used serum cortisol, heart and respiratory rates for this assessment, while others use scales based on behavior or facial expressions. However, doesn’t exist but a scale that takes into account the union of these identifiers for cattle. Furthermore, most researchers manipulate the animals to identify pain, which could mask the result. In this way, this paper proposed design and validate a visual analog scale for pain identification in cattle undergoing orchiectomy. For this, 8 Holstein calves with 200 days old and 250kg live weight were submitted to orchiectomy with local anesthesia and analgesics. The identification of pain was based on physiological analysis (serum cortisol and respiratory rate), behavioral, and facial expression in the visual-analogue -30 (30 minutes before surgery) and 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 72 and 420 hours after the procedure; and with the exception of cortisol, all analyzes were performed without the interference of the appraiser with the animal, by videos. It was noted that all the methods proposed were able to identify post orchiectomy pain in cattle, however the degree of pain were higher in different post-surgical times. There was poor correlation between the proposed models, because it was found limitations for most assessed methodologies. We concluded an association between various parameters of pain, as visual analogue scale, can increase the accuracy to identify pain orchiectomy in bulls.

Abstract in Portuguese:

A identificação de dor em bovinos e seu alivio, são essenciais para o bem estar animal, todavia ainda não há um teste ideal para esta avaliação. Alguns pesquisadores têm utilizados cortisol sérico e frequências cardíaca e respiratória para esta avaliação, enquanto outros utilizam escalas baseadas em comportamento ou expressões faciais, não existindo uma escala que leve em consideração a união destes identificadores para bovinos. Além disso, a maioria dos pesquisadores manipulam os animais para identificar a dor, o que poderia mascarar os resultados. Desta maneira o presente trabalho propôs elaborar e validar uma escala análogo visual para identificação de dor em bovinos submetidos à orquiectomia. Para tanto 8 bovinos holandeses de 200 dias de vida e 250 kg de peso vivo foram submetidos a orquiectomia com previa anestesia local e uso de analgésicos. A identificação de dor foi baseada em analises fisiológica (cortisol sérico e frequência respiratória), comportamental, de expressão facial e análogo visual nos momentos -30 (30 minutos antes do procedimento) e 1, 3, 6 12, 24, 72 e 420 horas após o procedimento; e com a exceção do cortisol, todas as analises foram realizadas sem a interferência do avaliador com o animal, por meio de filmagens de vídeos. Notou-se que todas as metodologias propostas foram capazes de identificar dor pós orquiectomia em bovinos, no entanto a graduação de maior dor foi em momentos pós-cirúrgicos distintos conforme o parâmetro avaliado. Assim houve fraca correlação entre os modelos propostos, pois se encontrou limitações para a maioria das metodologias avaliadas, concluindo-se que a associação entre os vários parâmetros de dor, tal qual o utilizado na escala análogo visual, aumenta a acurácia em identificar a dor após orquiectomia em bovinos.

#3 - Non-parturient hypocalcaemia in lactating dairy cows grazing in oat and perennial ryegrass pasture: study of predisposing factors, 34(1):15-23

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Coneglian M.M., Flaiban K.K.M.C. & Lisbôa J.A.N. 2014. [Non-parturient hypocalcaemia in lactating dairy cows grazing in oat and perennial ryegrass pasture: study of predisposing factors.] Hipocalcemia não puerperal em vacas leiteiras sob pastejo de aveia e azevém: estudo de fatores predisponentes. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 34(1):15-23. Departamento de Clínicas Veterinárias, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Campus Universitário, Cx. Postal 10011, Londrina, PR 86057-970, Brazil. E-mail: Non-parturient hypocalcaemia (NPH) is a rare and poor understood condition. There are no studies that explain its relationship with winter pasture intake. The aim of this study was to describe clinical aspects of two natural cases of NPH, and to study the mineral and electrolyte balance of high and medium producing dairy cows feeded with winter pasture in different growing stages. Two cases of NPH in lactating dairy cows, grazing in oat grass and perennial ryegrass in Francisco Beltrão, PR, Brazil, were described. Healthy lactating high producing Holstein cows (n=11) and medium producing Holstein (n=8) and Jersey (n=9) cows were selected from three farms located in the same municipality. They were maintained in a mixing pasture of oats and perennial ryegrass from June to October, and supplemented with corn silage. Blood, urine and ingested food samples were collected before treatment started (May), and during initial (June), intermediate (July) and final stages (September) of the grass maturation cycle. Serum and urinary concentrations of Ca, P, Mg, Na+, K+, Cl- and creatinine were determined, and their fractional excretion were calculated. Dry matter and Ca, P, Mg, Na, K, Cl and S concentrations were determined in food samples, and the dietary cation-anion difference was calculated. Based on clinical evidence we can assure that lactating dairy cows maintained in oat and perennial ryegrass pastures during the winter months can develop hypocalcaemia, showing signs and responding to treatment similar to classic puerperal hypocalcaemia, even in non-parturient period. Partial substitution of corn silage to oat and perennial ryegrass pasture did not cause electrolyte imbalances and did not interfere with the calcemia, phosphatemia or magnesemia of high and medium producing lactating dairy cows. Using winter forage as the only or main source of roughage in the diet can be the triggering factor for the disease, which can be related to excessive cation intake due to increased K concentration, especially during early stages of pasture growing.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Coneglian M.M., Flaiban K.K.M.C. & Lisbôa J.A.N. 2014. [Non-parturient hypocalcaemia in lactating dairy cows grazing in oat and perennial ryegrass pasture: study of predisposing factors.] Hipocalcemia não puerperal em vacas leiteiras sob pastejo de aveia e azevém: estudo de fatores predisponentes. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 34(1):15-23. Departamento de Clínicas Veterinárias, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Campus Universitário, Cx. Postal 10011, Londrina, PR 86057-970, Brazil. E-mail: A Hipocalcemia Não Puerperal (HNP) é uma condição rara e pouco compreendida. Não há estudos que expliquem a sua relação com a ingestão de pastagens de inverno como base da alimentação volumosa. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram descrever aspectos clínicos de dois casos naturais de HNP, e estudar o balanço mineral e eletrolítico de vacas leiteiras de alta e de média produção alimentadas em pastagem de inverno em diferentes estágios de evolução. Foram acompanhados dois casos de HNP em vacas leiteiras, mantidas em pastagens de aveia ou de azevém no município de Francisco Beltrão, PR. De três propriedades localizadas no mesmo município, foram selecionadas vacas lactantes hígidas de alta produção da raça Holandesa (n=11) e de média produção das raças Holandesa (n=8) e Jersey (n=9), mantidas em pastagem mista de aveia e azevém, de junho a outubro de 2011, e complementadas com silagem de milho. Amostras de sangue, de urina e dos alimentos ingeridos foram colhidas antes do ingresso na pastagem (maio), e nos estágios inicial (junho), intermediário (julho) e final (setembro) do ciclo de maturação da forragem. Foram determinadas as concentrações séricas e urinárias de Ca, P, Mg, Na+, K+, Cl- e creatinina e calculada as excreções fracionadas. Nas amostras de alimento foram determinadas a matéria seca (MS) e as concentrações de Ca, P, Mg, Na, K, Cl e S, e calculou-se a diferença entre cátions e ânions da dieta (DCAD) nos diferentes momentos. Com base nas evidências pode-se afirmar que vacas leiteiras em lactação mantidas em pastagem de aveia e/ou de azevém nos meses de inverno podem desenvolver hipocalcemia e exibir sinais clínicos e resposta ao tratamento similares aos da hipocalcemia puerperal clássica, mesmo não sendo recém paridas. A ingestão de aveia e azevém, substituindo parcialmente a silagem de milho como volumoso da dieta, não provoca desequilíbrio eletrolítico e não interfere com a calcemia, a fosfatemia ou a magnesemia de vacas lactantes de alta e de média produção. A utilização das forrageiras de inverno como a única ou principal fonte de volumoso da dieta parece ser o fator desencadeante da doença e pode estar relacionada com o excesso de cátions ingeridos devido à elevada concentração de K, principalmente, quando a planta é jovem.

#4 - Transferência de imunidade passiva em bezerros das raças Nelore e Limousin e proteinograma sérico nos primeiros quatro meses de vida, p.410-416

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Costa M.C., Flaiban K.K.M.C., Coneglian M.M., Feitosa F.L.F., Balarin M.R.S. & Lisbôa J.A.N. 2008. [Passive transfer of immunity in Nelore and Limousin calves and serum proteinogram in the first four months of life.] Transferência de imunidade passiva em bezerros das raças Nelore e Limousin e proteinograma sérico nos primeiros quatro meses de vida. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(9):410-416. Departamento de Clínicas Veterinárias, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Campus Universitário, Cx. Postal 6001, Londrina, PR 86051-990, Brazil. E-mail: To study the passive transfer of immunity, 90 healthy calves, 45 Nelore and 45 Limousin, were grouped (n=15) according to their dam’s parity: first, second or third or more calvings. Blood samples were draw from each calf with 24 to 36 hours of life and 15, 30, 60, 90, and 120 days. The total serum (TSP) and plasma (TPP) proteins, gamaglutamiltransferase activity (GGT), serum albumin, alpha, beta and gammaglobulin by electrophoresis in agarose gel and IgG estimated by the zinc sulphate turbidity test were determined. Two-way-ANOVA was used to compare the data in the first age. The age behaviour was analysed through repeated measures ANOVA. Correlations were established between the variables. The passive transfer of immunity was successful in both breeds and the parity of the dam had no effect on the calves’ serum gammaglobulin concentration. The levels of gammaglobulins were higher at the end of the first day of life, and decreased until 60 days. From there on, the increase due to the active production of antibodies was precocious in taurine calves and slower in Zebu calves. At the end of the first day of life, the gammaglobulin was correlated with IgG (r=0,859), TPP (r=0,807), TSP (r=0,811) and GGT (r=0,399). The variation of serum proteins followed the normal pattern throughout the first four months of life, with little differences between taurine and Zebu calves.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Costa M.C., Flaiban K.K.M.C., Coneglian M.M., Feitosa F.L.F., Balarin M.R.S. & Lisbôa J.A.N. 2008. [Passive transfer of immunity in Nelore and Limousin calves and serum proteinogram in the first four months of life.] Transferência de imunidade passiva em bezerros das raças Nelore e Limousin e proteinograma sérico nos primeiros quatro meses de vida. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(9):410-416. Departamento de Clínicas Veterinárias, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Campus Universitário, Cx. Postal 6001, Londrina, PR 86051-990, Brazil. E-mail: To study the passive transfer of immunity, 90 healthy calves, 45 Nelore and 45 Limousin, were grouped (n=15) according to their dam’s parity: first, second or third or more calvings. Blood samples were draw from each calf with 24 to 36 hours of life and 15, 30, 60, 90, and 120 days. The total serum (TSP) and plasma (TPP) proteins, gamaglutamiltransferase activity (GGT), serum albumin, alpha, beta and gammaglobulin by electrophoresis in agarose gel and IgG estimated by the zinc sulphate turbidity test were determined. Two-way-ANOVA was used to compare the data in the first age. The age behaviour was analysed through repeated measures ANOVA. Correlations were established between the variables. The passive transfer of immunity was successful in both breeds and the parity of the dam had no effect on the calves’ serum gammaglobulin concentration. The levels of gammaglobulins were higher at the end of the first day of life, and decreased until 60 days. From there on, the increase due to the active production of antibodies was precocious in taurine calves and slower in Zebu calves. At the end of the first day of life, the gammaglobulin was correlated with IgG (r=0,859), TPP (r=0,807), TSP (r=0,811) and GGT (r=0,399). The variation of serum proteins followed the normal pattern throughout the first four months of life, with little differences between taurine and Zebu calves.

#5 - Metabolismo oxidativo dos neutrófilos de bezerros das raças Nelore e Limousin nos primeiros quatro meses de vida, p.431-436

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Costa M.C., Flaiban K.K.M.C., Coneglian M.M., Dognani R., Vettorato E.D., Balarin M.R.S. & Lisbôa J.A.N. 2008. [Neutrophil oxidative burst in Nelore and Limousin calves in the first four months of life.] Metabolismo oxidativo dos neutrófilos de bezerros das raças Nelore e Limousin nos primeiros quatro meses de vida. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(9):431-436. Departamento de Clínicas Veterinárias, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Campus Universitário, Cx. Postal 6001, Londrina, PR 86051-990, Brazil. E-mail: To study some defence mechanisms of beef calves kept on range conditions, 90 healthy calves, 45 Nelore and 45 Limousin, were bled at 24 to 36 hours of life, 15, 30, 60, 90 and, 120 days. Leukogram and neutrophil oxidative burst through the non-stimulated and the stimulated NBT tests were determined. The parasitemia with Anaplasma marginale, Babesia bigemina and B. bovis was investigated. Repeated measure ANOVA was used to analyse the age effect on leukocyte counts. Variation of positive neutrophil throughout the age was analysed through Krushkal-Wallis test. Comparisons among breeds were done using the Mann-Whithney test. The white blood cell count increased with age in both breeds, with a decrease in neutrophil and an increase in lymphocyte counts. The neutrophil lymphocyte ratio had been inverted before 15 days of life. The neutrophil oxidative burst was less effective in the newborn calves increasing with age. Limousin calves’ neutrophils had higher capacity to reduce NBT in advanced ages. The observed differences between taurine and Zebu calves had no effects on calves’ health and could be atributed to Anaplasma marginale natural and asynptomatic infection.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Costa M.C., Flaiban K.K.M.C., Coneglian M.M., Dognani R., Vettorato E.D., Balarin M.R.S. & Lisbôa J.A.N. 2008. [Neutrophil oxidative burst in Nelore and Limousin calves in the first four months of life.] Metabolismo oxidativo dos neutrófilos de bezerros das raças Nelore e Limousin nos primeiros quatro meses de vida. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(9):431-436. Departamento de Clínicas Veterinárias, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Campus Universitário, Cx. Postal 6001, Londrina, PR 86051-990, Brazil. E-mail: To study some defence mechanisms of beef calves kept on range conditions, 90 healthy calves, 45 Nelore and 45 Limousin, were bled at 24 to 36 hours of life, 15, 30, 60, 90 and, 120 days. Leukogram and neutrophil oxidative burst through the non-stimulated and the stimulated NBT tests were determined. The parasitemia with Anaplasma marginale, Babesia bigemina and B. bovis was investigated. Repeated measure ANOVA was used to analyse the age effect on leukocyte counts. Variation of positive neutrophil throughout the age was analysed through Krushkal-Wallis test. Comparisons among breeds were done using the Mann-Whithney test. The white blood cell count increased with age in both breeds, with a decrease in neutrophil and an increase in lymphocyte counts. The neutrophil lymphocyte ratio had been inverted before 15 days of life. The neutrophil oxidative burst was less effective in the newborn calves increasing with age. Limousin calves’ neutrophils had higher capacity to reduce NBT in advanced ages. The observed differences between taurine and Zebu calves had no effects on calves’ health and could be atributed to Anaplasma marginale natural and asynptomatic infection.

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